The Court Night Palace

2019. 09 - 젊은 창작지원 사업 당선작, 융합전시 파랑새_밤의 궁전

밤의 궁전 Night Palace

Digital painting, Wire craft

Unlike other spaces that show different aspects of happiness, the Night Palace is a collection of negative objects that are opposed to happiness. Palace to manage the Queen of the Night of the night are several cheongdongmun in the back of the disease, negative things together of human society, including a ghost.

The writer is to concentrate on lust and temptation of cheating in. ‘Tyltyl’ and ‘mitil’ in this palace of the night. Both bronze door open process of seduction, glamour and tried to show calmness of the opposite sex. Mature through travel is two characters wanted to make sure I found a way to go.

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