비로소, 눈을 감다

2019.09 - 통영 국제음악당, 블랙박스홀. 실시간 홀로그램 연극 "비로소, 눈을 감다" 공연

2019.11 - 사천문화예술회관, 대극장. 실시간 홀로그램 연극 "비로소, 눈을 감다" 공연

영상 기술디자인 ; Media Tech-Design

김예지 최혜정

The theater was created to produce content for a mixed theater performance that incorporates video technology. It expresses the good and the afterlife, which are the main elements of the play, through holographic technology. Among the plays, Goode, which soothes the original spirit, is a unique "South Coastal Byeolsingut" in South Gyeongsang Province, which brings to life the color of South Gyeongsang Province culture.

The hologram technology used in this performance overcomes the limitations of stage expression in theater performance. More actively intervene in the narrative to capture a fantastic image of the afterlife.

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